Gracious Living


I’m a junior studying math at Harvard.  I’m most interested in algebraic topology.  I write about math, books, music, buildings, and whatever else piques my interest.  I’m a bit new to blogging, so I imagine the site will take a bit of time to come together.

The title is a quote from my favorite movie, Catch Us If You Can, starring a 60’s British pop band called the Dave Clark Five.  The main characters are stuntmen for a company advertising meat, and this is the next phase of their advertising campaign.  I believe it reflects my love for meat (or, more often, meals) and my nearly divine grace.

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I think it is so cool that you are doing this, Paul. Plus, I love your blog’s name (which reminds me of when we watched “Catch Us If You Can,” with you and Lily in the Eliot basement, but I digress…). I doubt if I can get my head around most of what you write about, but that doesn’t mean that I am not going to try. If there’s one thing I do know is that you are a good teacher. So I plan to follow your blog, and maybe I’ll learn something interesting along the way. Here’s to feeling mathy!

Comment by vanknett4

Woohoo! Thanks! If there’s anything you don’t understand, just ask and I’ll go over it in more detail. The first two posts are in less detail than the rest because it’s a lot of really basic and hopefully intuitive stuff, but if there’s anything that needs fleshing out, let me know.

Comment by thetwomeatmeal

Could you add an rss feed? I couldn’t find it. Thanks.

Comment by bloops

Added some buttons to the sidebar, let me know if that works.

Comment by thetwomeatmeal

Hey, are you currently learning alg. top.? We are curious about what textbook are you using. Is the one Hatcher’s Algebraic topology?
Besides, I sent you an email. Did you receive that? Since WordPress is blocked in our country, leaving message takes a bit effort. It seems we share some interests in math, and I’d like to communicate through email.:)

Comment by lethe

I just found your blog while googling around for background info on omega_1^ck. Pretty cool. You say you’re a junior… you mean junior undergrad? Pretty advanced for a junior undergrad, if so. Are you working on any original research right now with an eye to publication?

Comment by Xamuel

Wow, thanks a lot. I am an undergrad, though sadly, I don’t know where I’d begin with original research. Right now I’m just reading a lot. I’m also attending an REU this summer. Are you a grad student?

Comment by thetwomeatmeal

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